Column | Value |
ID Number | 2572 |
Status | Up-To-Date as of 2007-10-11 Login to Change Status |
Classification | Antibody - Primary - Host: Mouse |
Description | anti C terminal Hex-Histadine |
Alerts | |
Room Number | 234 |
Location | Antibody Chest Freezer |
Position | Primary Antibody Rack G |
Secondary (Storage) Container | Fiberboard Box |
Primary Container Details | 0.6 mL Screwcap Tube - Green Cap |
Quantity | |
Units | Consumable |
Storage Temperature | -20°C |
Date | |
Commercial Provider | |
Catalog Number | |
CAS Number | |
Lot Number | |
Collaborative Source | |
Notes | 5ul aliquots. 1mg/mL |