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Showing records 41 through 60 from a total of 4152 results:
4815 2020-01-30
4816 2020-01-30
4817 2020-01-30
4818 2020-01-30
4819 2020-01-30
4820 2020-01-30
4821 2020-01-30
4822 2020-01-30
4823 2020-01-30
4824 2020-01-30
4569Reagent250 mL2018-05-24Fume Hood
4577Plasmid Isolation Kit25 columns Consumable2018-06-06Middle of the Lab
4578DNA25 Consumable2018-06-06Middle of the Lab
4579DNA250 x 2 Consumable2018-06-08
5355 2023-11-02
3780DNA - Primers A1CYT (TOC75) FORWARD PRIMER500 ng/uL uL2007-04-23Chest Freezer
2268Chemical Bovine ALBUMIN, FRACTION V100 gm0000-00-00Deli Fridge
3815DNA - Primers P3-EVNP-REVERSE PRIMER500 ng/uL uL2008-08-28Chest Freezer
4752 Rabbit polyclonal antibody against Lhcb1150 ug2019-08-13
4751Antibody Rabbit polyclonal antibody against Lhcb3150 ug2019-08-13
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