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Showing records 1 through 20 from a total of 4079 results:
2560Antibody - Primary - Host: RabbitB2 #1859 Rabit Production Serum Consumable1991-05-09Antibody Chest Freezer*
4608ProteinatToc159g in GBS 2005-04-03TOM -80
4864Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: Chrooco. pcc7203 0000-00-00Buffy
2561Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti DnaJ E. coli - No. 11185 - Bleed 7 ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
4609ProteinpsToc34 2000-12-20TOM -80
4865Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: Fisch. pcc9605 0000-00-00Buffy
2562Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitaffinity purified anti HSP70 Consumable1991-01-31Antibody Chest Freezer*
4610ProteinpsToc34 in GBS 2004-07-15TOM -80
4866Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: Gloe. pcc7418 0000-00-00Buffy
2563Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti 60 kDa HSP MAb (LK-2) Consumable1996-01-01Antibody Chest Freezer*
4611ProteinpsToc34 in GBS 2004-04-14TOM -80
4867Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc481 0000-00-00Buffy
2564Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitprotein A purified anti HSP70 Consumable1991-01-31Antibody Chest Freezer*
4612ProteinpsToc34 in GBS 2004-07-21TOM -80
4868Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc2963 0000-00-00Buffy
5380 2024-08-20
2565Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitprotein A purified anti HSP70 Consumable1991-01-31Antibody Chest Freezer*
4613DNA - VectorsHSP70-TP-YFP (Non's project) 0000-00-00TOM -80
4869Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc2660 0000-00-00Buffy
5381 2024-08-20
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