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Showing records 1 through 20 from a total of 4079 results:
4197ChemicalCobalt Chloride, hexahydrateHarmful Toxic unknown 2012-12-12Floor Level Chemical Cabinet
4495ProteinMark12 Unstained Protein StandardExpensive Two-1 mL (not aliquoted) + One 1mL (aliquoted) 2018-03-26Upright Freezer - Beta
3195Protein PurificationS30 T7 High-Yield Protein Expression SystemSample 2009-01-07-80 Freezer
3196Protein PurificationS30 T7 High-Yield Protein Expression SystemSample 2009-01-07-80 Freezer
3197Protein PurificationS30 T7 High-Yield Protein Expression SystemSample 2009-01-07-80 Freezer
3069Protein LadderNovex Sharp Prestained Standardsample 2008-09-23Upright Freezer
3070Protein LadderNovex Sharp Prestained Standardsample 2008-09-23Upright Freezer
3071Protein LadderNovex Sharp Prestained Standardsample 2008-09-23Upright Freezer
3004ChemicalMagnesium Chloride hexahydrater500 g2008-08-14Overhead Chemical Cabinet
4474Biolistic Rupture Diskspkg of 100 Consumable2018-02-02Kristen's Bench
4475Biolistic Rupture Diskspkg of 100 Consumable2018-02-02Kristen's Bench
4476Biolistic Rupture Diskspkg of 100 Consumable2018-02-02Kristen's Bench
3049Reagent - Molecular BiologyQuick Change Multi kit Expensive Kit 2008-09-09Chest Freezer
2419PhospholipidMGDG9x5mg/0.5mL 2006-06-27Upright Freezer - Beta*
3838codon opti POTRA6(1-2-3)-Small-PTYB2 MIDI CONSTRUCT (TOC75) 98 ng/ul 2008-09-14Chest Freezer
4185Cells - CompetentGC10 Competent Cell96x50 uL2012-09-20Buffy
4201GC10 Competent Cells 42-66296x50 uL2013-01-15-80 Fischer
4009Cells - CompetentGC10 Competent Cells Expensive 96 x 50 ul uL2011-11-04New -80
4180Cells - CompetentGC5 competentent cells96 x 20 uL2012-08-29New -80 Freezer
3848ProteinCoomassie Plus Protein Assay (Bradford)950 mL2010-10-07Deli Fridge
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