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Showing records 41 through 60 from a total of 4094 results:
4876Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc424 0000-00-00Buffy
2573Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti GST - Schistosoma japonicum - Rabbit No. 1740 - Bleed 3 ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
3853Cells - CompetentBL21(DE3)RIL 2010-10-22-80 Freezer
4877Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc7120 0000-00-00Buffy
2574Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti GST - Schistosoma japonicum - Rabbit No. 1741 - Bleed 4 ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
4878Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc7122 0000-00-00Buffy
2575Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti GST - Schistosoma japonicum - Rabbit No. 1741 - Bleed 4 ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
4879Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc1830 0000-00-00Buffy
2576Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti GST - Schistosoma japonicum - Rabbit No. 1741 - Bleed 4 ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
4880Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc555 0000-00-00Buffy
2577Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti GST - Schistosoma japonicum - Rabbit No. 1741 - Bleed 4 ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
4881Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc2766 0000-00-00Buffy
2578Antibody - Pre-immune - Host: Rabbitprotein A purified preimmune from rabbit 1859 Consumable1991-01-31Antibody Chest Freezer*
4882Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer sp25 0000-00-00Buffy
2579Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti ferrodoxin (Silene) Consumable1987-01-01Antibody Chest Freezer*
4883Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc1598 0000-00-00Buffy
2580Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti psaC - Cyanobacteria PSI Consumable2002-01-01Antibody Chest Freezer*
4884Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc379 0000-00-00Buffy
2581Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti psaD- Cyanobacteria PSI Consumable2002-01-01Antibody Chest Freezer*
4629Cells - CompetentDH5alpha 2010-11-06Buffy
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