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Showing records 21 through 40 from a total of 4094 results:
2566Antibody - Primary - Host: Mouseanti dnaJ Consumable2001-01-01Antibody Chest Freezer*
4614DNA - VectorsHsp70-FGLK 0000-00-00TOM -80
4870Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc1444 0000-00-00Buffy
2567Antibody - Primary - Host: Mouseanti dnaJ ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer*
4359 2015-10-13
4615DNA - VectorsHsp70-TP-YFP 0000-00-00TOM -80
4871Cellscyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc2349 0000-00-00Buffy
2568Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti ps Small Subunit of Rubisco - Native 1995-11-08Antibody Chest Freezer*
4616DNA - VectorsHSP70-FGLK mutants of WT(SSF/FDF) 0000-00-00TOM -80
4872cyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc1829 0000-00-00Buffy
2569Antibody - Pre-immune - Host: Rabbitanti ps Small Subunit of Rubisco - Preimmune Consumable1991-05-10Antibody Chest Freezer*
4617Glycerol StockNon's 0000-00-00TOM -80
4873Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc1903 0000-00-00Buffy
2570Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti ps Small Subunit of Rubisco - Native - Protein A Purified 2007-01-30Antibody Chest Freezer*
4618DNA - VectorsGroup 1-9 TPs 0000-00-00TOM -80
4874Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc1952 0000-00-00Buffy
2571Antibody - Primary - Host: Rabbitanti ps Small Subunit of Rubisco - Native - Affinity Purified Consumable1991-05-10Antibody Chest Freezer*
4619DNA - VectorsNon's project 0000-00-00TOM -80
4875Cells - Glycerol Stockcyanobacteria cryopreservation stock: PSI oligomer pcc2965 0000-00-00Buffy
2572Antibody - Primary - Host: Mouseanti C terminal Hex-Histadine ConsumableAntibody Chest Freezer
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